The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
UK-Manchaster/Liverpool-4th day
Fourth day, bangun awal sket sbb nk gerak ke Manchaster and Liverpool. Ape lg, sbb nk tgk stadium la. Aku ngikut je bdak2 ni pg. tp best gak rr sbb dpt tgk depan mate stadium2 terkenal ni. dari Leeds kitorang naik bas lagi ke Manchaster. Sampai di Manchaster, pening sket sbb nk carik bas ke Old Trafford, tmpt MUFC stadium. Tp sampai jgk la kitorang kat situ. Kitorang masuk dlm stadium tu n tour stadium. Nasib tk baik sgt ari tu sbb mlm esoknye akan ade game, so bnyk le kerja2 dlm stadium tu. So, kitorang takleh tour btol2 la n just dok dlm stadium n tgk n dgr dia ckp n amik gmbr. Kuar2 dari stadium, masuk plak kitorang ke museum MUFC.
Bnyk sgt barang2 pasal bola dlm tu n aku dah naik pening. Kuar2 je dari stadium, ape lg, masuk la kitorang ke MUFC megastore. Bnyk jgk la barang2 dlm tu n aku juga seperti 2 stadium yg seblomnye, beli satu badge MUFC. Mase tu dah tghari, n as for lunch, kitorang ke pizza hut yg dekat je kat situ. Kitorang nk kene cepat sbb nk kejar bas ke Liverpool plak. Tgh2 tunggu bas tu, kitorang terjumpe plak dgn akak melayu ni yg nk ke Liverpool jgk. Rupe2nye, akak tu senior dari France jgk, yg dkt Rouen skrg. Lupe lak nk tanye name. takpe kak, nnti jumpe lagi la ye..
Di Liverpool, kitorang terus carik jln camne nk ke stadium Liverpool. Mlm tu ekceli ade match between Liverpool n Barcelona. Mmg satu bandar havoc sket. Tgh2 buntu nk carik jalan ke stadium tu, tibe2 kitorang nmpk satu group yg agak ramai bising2 tgh2 jalan. Rupenye tu fans Barcelona yg nk ke stadium jgk. Diorang nk jalan kaki je. Ape lg, kitornng pon ikut je le diorang ke stadium n buat haruk kat bandar org ni. seronok jugak sebenarnye join diorang mcm haku la plak yg jadik fans Barcelona. Haha.
Sampai di stadium, org dah ramai yg amat. Mase ni aku just snap2 sikit2 je. Asal nmpk aku kat situ sudah le. Aku boleh nmpk mcm mane gilenye org dgn bola. Ramai org mase tu. Reporter, caster, stesen2 tv yg bawak lori2 diorang…n jugak polis2 yg jaga2 kat situ. Kitorang tak tgk sbb nk kejar bas balik ke Leeds pkol 10 mlm tu. So, just lepak kat kedai mkn, sambil mkn frites, tgk bola, n after first half habes, kitorang jalan balik ke stesen bas, utk balik ke Leeds. Sampai Leeds tgh mlm gak rr. Dari stesen. Jalan kaki lagi…n skali lagi Akid kene turun bawh amik kitorang. hehe
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hahaha..catalan aku xtau la cmne orngye.
tapi kt LR ade mexican mmg riuh gile ah.happening gile diorg ni.
nway..bgs2 g OT..n sedekah.hahaha
kriey- well, aku kan suke bersedekah. ahah. aku beli baju je le wei..
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