Saturday, October 9, 2010


This nice thing turns me into a monster.

It turns me into someone very annoying, and heartless.

I'm no that guy, but this nice thing keeps me being this freaky human being.

I wish i can turn back to the old me, fragile and harmless.

Yet, this thing keeps me alive.

To throw it away, no no its impossible.

Trapped, either be a vampire, or a zombie.

I choose vampire.

Well atleast they have feelings.


victoire said...

Gile x abes2 ngan vampire..

Mr A said...

well, wish u know better. its only a metaphor my man.

vampire tak wujud kot.

victoire said...

Tapi macam best je jadi vampire.. Kuat bleyh terbang, x demam. huhu.

Mr A said...

ololo siannyeeee.

tunggu nnti mlm sy geget leher n terus jadi vampire ok. xyah saket demam dah. kuat je senantiasa..XD