Tuesday, June 3, 2008

flight details for all!

salam all. just came back from Paris, welcoming the new malaysians students at the airport. after about 7 hours of damn tiring n boring journey, finally we safely arrived in Colmar. well guys, only boys, n not a single girl from JPAs batch this year for Colmar. feel sorry for them....HAHAH...

someone send me this via email this morning. i found this quite interesting and i think its kinda good idea to share it wif u guys muslims out there. so, enjoy but at the same time, think....


Ticket Type : One-way
Price : Absolutely free (booking confirmed)

Passenger Details:

Name : One of the Children of Adam
Origins : From clay
Address : Planet Earth

Conditions Of Travel:

Departure : From life on earth
Destination : Eternal life
Stop-over : Hotel (2 meters under the ground, for one person)
Duration of flight : from couple of seconds to several millions of years

Departure time:

Time of death : Exact time is unknown (but it can happen earlier than expected)
Arrival time : On the Judgment Day (not specified in the timetable)

Information About Interrogation:

On the arrival to the hotel (grave): incorruptible Auditors - two
angels: Munkar & Nakir, will immediately start questioning. Three
questions will be asked:

1. Who is your God?
2. Who is your prophet?
3. What is your religion?

Questions will follow about your life on earth. For more information,
refer to 27th Aya of Sura 'Ibrahim' of the Holy Quran.


1. Despite the fact that the air transfers only one passenger at a time, there
are some restrictions on the amount of baggage that you can take with you
2. You can take with you 5 meters of white cloth
3. Any items of material life of earth are strictly forbidden.
4. Realistic luggage should consist of good deeds, modest behavior and of
well spent time on calling people to Islam.

Important instructions:

All the passengers should remember that tickets are not exchangeable refundable.

This journey is compulsory for representatives of all races, nationalities, religions and of all ages.
Delays are not stipulated.


Angel of Death will not compromise on changing the date and time of departure.

For more information:

Read instructions, which you can find in The Holy Quran and Sunnah, could also consult A alims (scholars). Please do it as soon as possible.

During your journey you will not be provided with oxygen mask, as your
breathing system will be terminated just before the departure time.

Additional instructions:

1. You don't need to take care of your boarding pass, passport and other travel documents. To prepare for a comfortable flight:
2. Pray 5 times a day
3. Read the Holy Quran
4. Follow the sunna h to the best of your ability and be ready for your flight, as you may have to depart any minute (even now)

Final warning:

Final destination depends on you! Please do not waste your time on planet earth. Remember, you have one-way ticket: , Either to Hell or to Paradise .

Jahannam OR Janna

Hence read & practice the instructions from the manuals ( Qur'an and Sunnah) carefully And follow to reach JANNAH.
Insha Allah , With HIS Grace, We all meet there in the Gardens of Jannah


Be Inspired said...

Thanks for posting.

Semoga kita akan dimasukkan kedalam syurga insyaAllah.

SôFw@N said...

X sangka ayen dpt email ni... bestnyer email ni.... thanx for posting.. really good to read.. :)

victoire said...

aku ingat sape nok sponsor mu tket balik.
upenye emel ni.
aku dapat gok aritu.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder ayen.InsyaAllah kita teguh berjuang membela agama Allah SWT.

Mr A said...

@ amin hadi kriey n sof - eheh...ade ilmu kite kongsi same2...baik utk sume..=D

Lina said...

thanks for sharing..
this is somethimg yg menyedarkn kita.. (: