alhamdulillah, at last dpt jugak aku jwpn dari Bordeaux! so lepas ni x yah aku nk risau2 lg. cume skrg ni aku kne pk, strategi camne aku nk pindah barang2 aku kat Bordeaux nnti ni. aku tau, hidup sorang2 kat sana nnti bukan semudah mcm yg aku hidup kat sni. kat Colmar ni, ade mmber2 kalo nk tlg ape2 ke, tp kat sane, aku rase x ramai senior yg ade. kalo ade pon, mesti masing2 bz ngan study masing2. xpe, sbb aku caye aku boleh hidup sndiri. dgn mmber2 baru, n suasana baru...
aku rasa kan, lepas dpt je reponse dari SFERE ni, terus rasa malas dah nk study. hauhahahah...rase nk relaks je smpai la aku stat kelas balik 8/9 nnti..isk2. setan2, ko mmg pandai ngasut aku. Astaghfirullahalazim.....
mmber aku sorang ni propose aku satu lg ni. tajuk lagu ni Believe, singer ; Dima Bilan, a russian artist. lagu ni mng mase Eurovision 2008, pertandingan nnyian utk sume negara2 kat eropah ni. first time dgr je aku dah trtarik dgn melodi dia. mmg best. bab lirik plak, baru tadi aku tgk...aku igt ke pasal cintan cintun ke..ape ke..rupe2 mmg lagu ni ade motivasi dia sndiri. pasal percaya dgn diri sndiri. ala...mcm lagu Gemilang tu le. x smestinye lagu tangkap leleh ni sume pasal cinta. bosan ah...eeh...ape2 pon, baca n faham btol2 lirik dia ni. n yeah from now on, i'm gonna start believing my self in everything i do, since after this i'll have no more friends around to support me,..only their calls or texto from far to give me strength..
Even when the thunder and storm begins
I’ll be standing strong like a tree in the wind
Nothing's gonna move this mountain
Or change my direction
I’m falling off that sky and I’m all alone
The courage that’s inside is gonna brake my fall
Nothing’s gonna dim my light within
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible, not today
Cause I’ve got something to believe in
As long as I’m breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Cause I’ve got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
Even when the world tries to pull me down
Tell me that I can, try to turn me around
I wont let them put my fire out, without no!
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible, not today
Cause I’ve got something to believe in
As long as I’m breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Cause I’ve got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe:
I can do it all
Open every door
Turn unthinkable to reality
You’ll see- I can do it all and more!
As long as I’m breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if just believe
And I believe in me.
so start believe in urself my friend!!! we cant depend on each other forever... =D
pnah dapat lagu neh jua..
membe kasik jgk!!!..
layann gak ar..
cest pa mal..
bordeaux erk?
boleh la buat eksport wine nanti
wink wink
mana buleh hidup sendiri and do everything yourself.
akan mati punye.
bukan la depends on others, but u need others too to survive. =)
makcik - oh eh? best kan lagu ni..ngehehheh
wenkt - wine? oh wan...nononononono...harraaamm... =D
niealex - ok thnx. but thats not what i mean sbnrnye. wat i really mean is, we cant depend on others 100 percent. smtimes we have to do things on our own.. =D
da komfem bordeaux? ngeee~bagus ada can la ak g sane tanpe perlu mcari hotel..ngeh3
oh adikku...mu mmg peng-profite sejati...hahaha..bleh2..syarat kne msk utk aku. =D
=) buat anything kene ada balance.
never too much or too little.
*sorry for sounding a lil bit negative b4. ^-^"
hakhak..mesti..setiap sen bharga bg aku..wink2~
niealex- no worries la...i got ur meaning well...thnx2 =D
org SHAMS- hahah...bagi aku jua...=D
owoh skema teh name aku..orang shams tu..hakhak
encik besi..
aku pon baru dapat emel konpem accepté kat IUT Angoulême utk DUT QLIO.
dekat buleh aa aku gi kat mu makan KFC.. hahahaha
ye encik k-riey
sudah dpt eh? hahaha..buleh2. mari lawat aku sokmo situ. walopon aku bukan pminat kfc sejati...ngehe..
Salam..pekaba?Lama akak x masuk cni..
Nak p Bordeaux?Dapat keje ke?Ha...nanti leh la mai umah akak..dekat jer..pastu jgn lupa bawak KFC sebucket...hahhahah...
keje apenye kak...studi lerr....huee...akak lame lg ke kt sane tu? ee x tgk lg baby akak yg baru. ape name??
ayen!! best la lagu tu... terpukau aku dibuat.... hihihihi....
ehhe...first time aku dgr pon cam terpesona gtu.. =D
best lagu ni... suka sgt.... nk download la... sesuai ni utk olivia ni...
ak nk KFC!!!!!!!
boleh...ko byr la! byr aku nye skali..ngee
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