The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
8 things...
The Rules
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
ekceli dah lame aku kne tagged ni. aku tau, tagged2 ni, lame2 pusing situ jugak n akhirnya 3 org dah tagged aku utk bnde ni. so, Sofwan, Izy n Kak Aishah, now i'm doing it!
1) aku cinta muzik - aku tak tau la..somehow aku rase dekat dgn muzik. aku rase muzik ni something yg sgt indah kurniaan Allah utk hamba2-Nya. aku ni jenis yg appreciate kat muzik, tak kesah la muzik ape pon. sbb dgn muzik, aku rase tenang je, sama mcm aku tgk indahnya dunia Allah ni, mcm tu la aku tgk muzik. n thats y aku involves dgn muzik. masuk orkestra lah nnyi lah n ape2 lah lg...
2) moody kalau tgh penat - jgn la kacau aku kalo aku tgh penat. kalo aku rase penat je, emosi aku tak mnntu. kalo ade silap sikit, nnti mula la rasa nk mmbrontak. tp aku bukannye marah tak tentu pasal! kalo penat, aku dok diam2 n lari dari dunia luar, tak jwb phone or sms or YM. so phm2 la eh..
3) sng terase, sensitif tp cepat baik - takbleh tgk bnde sedih2, takleh kne marah, takleh kne tegur, then nnti aku terase la. tp bukan brmakne aku tak hargai teguran org, kalo aku terase pon aku diam2 je. bukannye aku attack balik.. simpan sndiri n pk2 balik kata2 org tu. mesti ade sbb diorang kate gtu kan? tp kalo aku terase, aku sng je nk recover kalo org tu mintak maap balik. puf! skelip mata je rase tu hilang nnti. =D
4) childlish - i have to admit that sometimes i feel like i am a 12 years old guy! umur dah 20 pon, still rase mcm bdak2. aku rase mcm, takd pningkatan pon dlm perangai aku. same je mcm aku form one dulu. huee..(kamen rider, yeah! ) lebih suka kalo org care kat aku, suka bukan kat sume org camtuh ok! kat certain org je yg aku rase dekat...
5) suke bnde cantik2 - tak kesah la ape bnde yg cantik pon, cute ke, lawa ke...dlm sume domain, aku akan automatik suke. kdg2 aku beli botol air pon sbb aku suke tgk design dia yg lawa, eventhough air tu takde la sdp sgt pon. huahah( tp dlm bab teman hidup, lawa bukan segala2 nya..igt tu....)
6) i love kids - so pada bakal isteri aku nnti, takyah la risau sbb aku mmg suke budak2. pntng tgk bdak2 comel sket, mula la geram tak tentu pasal. mula la nk g kejar n amik gmbr n cubit skali dua pipi diorang. haha. kalo diorang nangis, aku lari la! huee...but sometimes they are annoying rite? hmmmm
7) kuat makan - walopon bdn aku kecik je, aku punye selera mkn mmg thp dewa. disebabkan hobi aku yg suke mkn ni la, bdn aku dah naek sikit2. dan sebab tu jugaklah aku suke memasak. bg aku, cooking ni satu art yg sgt halus, yg boleh naek atau turunkan emosi seseorang. masakan yg kita buat, bleh buat org gembira n when people eat my dishes, n seeing they smile n laugh n happy wif it, makes me very happy. cooking jugak salah satu terapi aku nk hilangkan tension. =) ( my futur wife, better be good at cooking than me )
8) love my family damn much - normal la kan kita syg famili kita. cuma utk aku., family isn't just my great n loving family that i have rite now, but it includes the people around me. my frens, my pet bros n pet sis, i consider them as my family too. so, know that i love u guys soo much. donno how will it feels like being far n apart from u guys one day..T_T
dah abes 8. ape lg? guess u guys now know me better rite? oh. kne plak listkan 8 org eh? malas lah nk list. kalo boleh aku nk sume org yg baca post ni buat kat blog masing2. kalo yg takde blog tu, buat je as muhasabah diri malam2 bfore tdo.
pasal nk update utk monaco, rilek2 dulu. bz like hell. hari ni cuti 1 mei, tp esok ade plak test kimia di hari jumaat nan indah~ aih.. another 8 hours of chemical tomorrow, really makes me explode~~
ciao2 take care..
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waaa!!! hihihihi!! nama aku muncul dlm blog ko!! hepynyer!!
amboih sukenye dia..mcm la glamer sgt blog aku nih..bile la name aku nk kuar kat blog ko? asek dak2 pekom je...hueee kite Malaysian! =D
erk aku malaysian gak.. wawawawa..
owh eh? igt ke jepun mane la sesat tadi...huang2...=D jgn mara bro...huee
je suis MALAISENNE oc...huh!~
minoh kelate ni ado jugok ko? wi la jugok...oghe meleysiaaa....hahah...bakpo sumo dok ghoyak dio oghe mesia neh? dok pehe aku...haha
sabar la yer... xlama gi... un jour peut etre.... hihihi!!
aku suka rule kjo no 4.... ahaks.... aku pun cam tu gak... sangat susah nak cari orang sekepala ngan aku kat sini hehehe
no 4??? childlish? aku takde prob dgn tu..sbb mostly diorang pon mcm hidup aku aman bahagia la kat sini..hahahah
abih merebak calam france tag ni..
ha ha ha
best gok bace fact setiap orang.
dapat kenal lagi seseorang tu..
dok gitu??
pet brother..
aku letak lien vers blog mu dari blog ku,,do da same,merki =p
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