The challenge is:
1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
* Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
* Invite six friends to join the challenge.
* Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.
so now the challenge begin. so, aku pon klik la kat folder external hard disk aku, sbb aku letak folder gambar dlm tu. then pg kat folder gmbr aku, 'mes Photos', then klil kat folder no 6----> jatuh plak kat folder ni; '02.07.07(intecday)..[ pergh..folder dua taun lepas...mase mule2 masuk Intec dulu bfore fly france ni..]. then klik kat gmbor no 6---> 'P6260006'...dpt la gmbr nih..hahahah
minat aku amek² gmbr ni sejak dulu lg, even bfore aku ade DSLR Nikon cinta-sayang aku ni. gmbr di atas aku amek gune camera digital biase je, Olympus 8 megapixel. skrg ni aku dah tinggal camera tu mase balik Malaysia summer yg lepas..
enuf said.
so nk kne describe plak ke? HAHA. as u guys can see la, takde ape sgt pon dlm gmbr ni. just satu gmbr yg aku amik dari tangga yg pusing² tu dan aku amik gmbr ruang tamu. n kalo korang perasan, kat bwh tu ade imej seorang insan yg dok sibuk ngadap laptop,.;oh itu la ayahanda ku yg mmg obses dgn komputer.
aku nk describe ape lg plak? sume korang bleh nmpk. ade meja kerusi sume. oh ye, ekceli gmbr ni kat dlm satu suite dua tingkat di Duta Vista , Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur. ape yg aku igt, ( walopon dah 2 thn berlalu, still fresh lg dlm pale), cume aku n ayah je yg dok kat dlm suite besar tu. sunyi sbb ibu tak ikut n adik2 len skolah. ye ah, ktorang dok situ sbb ayah nk hantar aku daftar kat Intec, Shah Alam. sedeyh jugek ekceli time tu, sbb ayah je yg dpt antar, ibu x. same thing happened mase mule2 daftar kat UniPetronas for January intake. ibu pon x dpt dtg. aiyo, .;takpe. tak kesah mane pon. nk buat cane, dah dok jauh kat Terengganu then nk turun KL tak kne mase sbb wiken di TRg n Kl tak same cutinye. mase tu ibu still kerja kat post office under headquarters, sbb tu takleh cuti ssuke ati. tp now ibu dah being a boss in her own post office. so skrg suke suki je nk cuti pon boleh. HAHAH. dok umah jage Aini lg best kan Bu? heeee
dah..skrg ni nk kne tag plak. aiyo. aku paling tak reti nk tag2 org ni. seigt aku, sume tag2 yang aku buat, mesti pastu aku ckp, 'korang2 yang bace ni telah di tag'. so for this challenge, i break the rules. HAHAH. so pe lagi, tak reti2 nk buat?? let me know if u guys did it so i can see ur pics. Merci. =D
p/s: sabtu ni exam Material Property. doa²kan la...n, MomO still hidup OK.
wahh lawanyee impresss!! hehee btw ash tgkap la gmba latest momo hihii
rizz..this is not even my house la....i dah stated kat entry ni kan? =D gmbr MomO nnti la eh...sbb muke dia same je.
nk mintak tolong!!!!
tolong cubit pipi momo y chomel tu...
suke bwat2 comel...tpi mmg die comel pon.... :P
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