in this very short entry, aku nk ucap
utk tuan punya topi hitam ni...
Cik, aku nk ucap selamat tua pada ko, samat jadi lebey matured, samat segala2 nye, n i wish u every happiness!
kesempatan ni jugak aku nk ucap time kasih for all the advices n supports yg ko bg kat aku spnjg kite kenal2 ni. mekasih jugak for being such a good friend n a very good listener to me..mille fois merci!
skrg time aku plak bg kata2 utk ko..ADD A LITTLE BIT SENSITIVITY N GET READY TO BE A MAN (au contraire dgn ape yg ko ckp kat aku dulu..=D)
aku takkan lupe sume nasehat2 ko, segale ntah mcm2 kata penguat yg ko bg n walopon ko muda stahun dr aku, still kdg2 ko yg sbnrnye lg tua dari aku. heheh..thnx bro!
p/s; ekceli topi hitam ni dah hilang pon. ntah camne ntah dak ni leh hilangkan..eheh
besday saper ni??? saper yg pakai topi tu????
deyh...besdah mmber ko la~ =D
gaa...pakcek neyh tulih entry..mcm misteri gile budak amir itu ..ohh..bestnye..jd 19..ahahah..;p
eheh..takde la...jaga hak privasi org la...takot depa tak suko...=D
bday amir? haha.
anyway, happy birthday to him.
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