Why there should be valentine???
When we can be in love everyday,everyhour,every
minutes and every sceond of our life...
Why there should be valentine???
When we can meet our love one whenever ane
Wherever we want...
Why there should be valentine???
When love is all around...
Love is not a celebration...
Love is not a person...
Love is not a season...
Love is an emotion...
Love is a motion...
Love is a feeling sensation...
A deep feeling from one to another...
or two...
or three...
or more...
Love is about being care for each other...
Not only for a day...
But for every moment we have..
Love is about understanding...
Not only for a day...
But for the rest of our life...
Love is not a present...
Love is a gift,a great gift...
A bless...
But to give present is not just only for one day...
Everyday in our life we should...
give her flowers..
give him a kiss...
give her a ring...
give him a hug...
Give presents everyday...
Appreciate love everyday...
God gave love not to be celebrated but to be
Not only on the 14th feb but until the last day we
Then why there should be valentine???
When everyday we can say...
"I love you"
p/s: lame dah tak update ngan words aku sndiri. skrg ni tgh bz sgn smbutan CNY colmar ni. aaaa. tension pale otak aku. igt nk update pasal ski, tapi tak update2 gak. pe nk buat. later promise ade mase aku update. at least ade gmbr la...btw, entry BUS tu, hot nmpk...HHAHAHA..ramai yg komen bile ckp pasal cinta ni. tak rase mcm bnde tu, btol ke? thats the reality of life....ciao!
hu u u u huh. haha
pebende nih..
pasal cinta je memanjang.
diamun cinta ke?
sape mangsa cinta mung kali ni? =p
ha ha ha
nway, dengar la lagu 'ulangkan sekali lagi' by KRU, ade kat imeem.
sangat best
yeker dah valentine day?? biler tarikh precis dier?? hhhmmmm..... kalotau pun aku maner ader kekasih... huhuhuhuuhu!!!!
izy - ape ko gelak2?
kriey - haha...mane de..aku biase2 je..mangsa cinta aku adalah diri aku sndiri........
dchp89 - err..ntah aku pon tak tau. tak peduli..haha. ala sof, takde kekasih pon, valentine utk mmber2 pon boleh kan? sape la yg tak syg mmber..huee
tensyen ke ngan CNY? jgn begitu. kamu² da la cuti 2 minggu. huuuu. takpe, je vous donnerai un coup de main.
eceyh eceyh.
weh. bapak ah. da lapuk da URL blogspot aku tu. tuka la doh.
bole ltak :
HAHAHA. aku tgh promote.
ok. c u in colmar.
yeah, i agree with you! why celebrate Valentine? when everyday we can spread love. hehehe. love is something that each of us with face one day. be it boy-girl love or family love. semua orang ada perasaan sayang dan cinta. siapa yang takda kan? and showing love doesn't need to give presents or what kan? at least by just a kiss or hug. or maybe just some sweet words. (=
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