The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
hidup ni mane penah tenteram. takde bende yang senang dlm dunia ni. sume bende pun susah. dah bende tu hakikat, tak boleh nak lari. takde bende yang boleh dibuat hanya dengan duduk goyang kaki. semua bende kene ade effort, even sikit je pun. hatta nak berjalan pg dapur amek air pon, perlukan tenaga sikit.
ok. aku dah mengarut kejap.
kat france sekarang, semua orang pon dok sibuk dengan exams. biase la, sebelum cuti krismas nnti, exam akan berlambak². ni tak campur lagi exam yang lepas cuti nanti. senang cerita, takkan ade holiday yang betul² rilex, kecuali time cuti summer, sebab tak perlu pikir ape² mase tu untuk start semester baru di tahun baru.
aku punye tension skarang, smpai aku rase rumah aku dah macam sarang tikus. makan pon dah macam kucing, ape yang ade depan mata bedal je. seb baik umah aku takde tikus. kalau ade roti time tu, roti lah. kalau ade pisang je untuk dinner, pisang lah. bukan ape, tak sempat nak masak segala. kalau nak masak atleast amek masa satu jam. then makan lagi stgh jam campur rilek skjp². pastu mane nk sambung study lagi utk test esok hari nya.
minggu ni hidup memang kacau bilau sket. aku ade 4 exam minggu ni, so nak tanak kene la prepare. subject dah la susah cam c***i, tambah plak dengan winter cuaca sejuk ni. nasib baik hari ni aku xde kelas, bleh aku curi mase untuk rilek then kemas umah n beli barang² rumah. aku bukannye ade orang gaji, jauh sekali bini atau partner yang boleh tolong cuci pinggan mangkuk kat dapur tu. ni ha, next week ade lagi 3 paper untuk aku buat sesi tembak menembak. tapi takkan ade sesi tembak menembak, sbb ni bukan UPSR, yang boleh bulat² A B C or D. sume kne tulis. nampak gaya akn ade sesi 'bercakar ayam' la, nasib ngkorang lah prof nak paham ape yang aku tulis.
bile dah tension² camni, aku memang akan ade kecenderungan nak buat keje gile. mase tu rasenye, kepala otak pikir dah tak berape nak betul. matlamat dalam kepala cume satu, nak happy n releasekan tension. macam last week, sbb kepala dah tak betul, terus beli tiket on the spot pg Paris. macam la duit dalam akaun beribu raban, tapi mase tu ape peduli. well, the idea wasn't really mine, but i'm glad i had the courage to say yes at that time.
dah smpai Paris malam tu, dia datang amek kat station then terus ktorang jalan takde hala tuju. tak pikir pon mlm tu nak tdo mane ape sume. jalan², then ktorang walk in je kat mane² hotel n ask for available room kalau ade. nasib ktorang baik, ade satu hotel ni ade satu bilik kosong. hotel kat depan² sume dah complete. ok jugak la, 50 euros one night for one room dengan satu katil besar.
mlmnye both of us mentekedarah kat kedai pakistan, makan macam perut tu sebesar tong dram. then jalan² kat Eiffel mlm². bajet romantik ar tuh. segar sket kepala otak aku. tengok orang ramai² dok flash² sana sini. then esoknye, ktorang pi jumpe mmber sorang lagi, then bjalan lagi window shopping sblom masing² balik tempat masing mlm tu jugak.
tp tu lah, bile dah gila, tak kesah la nak ckp ape pon. janji happy. paling tidak, dapat cheesecake.
it has been quite some time since i last experience winter with snow. when i was in Colmar back in 2006-2008, snowing is normal. then i moved to Bordeaux (2008-2010), the west side of france where it didnt snow. now i'm back at the east side of france, where again snowing is normal even before december.
well i think i kinda have this love-hate relationship with snows.
love = gorgeous, all white, breathtaking, free AirBatuCampur etc etc hate = wet, cold,thick cloths, special shoes, slippery and icy roads etc etc
do you guys know what i miss the most when its snowing?
playing snow war with friends, making snow man with friends, and throwing snow balls from behind to friends.
but seems like i'm all alone now. no one to play with. God i miss the good old times damn much!
ps: usually when its winter, i gain weight so easily. i thought this year i won't, but big temptations at the supermarket yesterday. christmast is approaching, great deals with candys and so i bought 3 packets of chocolates and now i just can't stop chewing. aih.